Lassina Koné

Lassina Koné Revendiqué

Lassina Koné

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Lassina KONE, choreographer of Don Sen Folo, blends determination and encounters in his creations. From Bamako to Kassel, his work explores choreographic writing in public spaces, notably with his performance ‘Contenu Vide’ (‘Empty Content’). ‘Contenu Vide’ is a public space performance, adorned with seven barrels painted in red. Dancers and barrels move in a delicate balance. The whisper of sand, metallic clinks, a chromatic duality intertwine in this encounter. Being present. Here and now. The body, tested by the world, reveals the unseen. ‘Contenu Vide’ is a choreographic concept placing bodies in interaction with empty barrels, performed in public space.”

Country: Mali




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